Monday, February 22, 2016

Stamping our Passports! (Sec 4)

No, not like that!

Remember making stamps last year? (The ones you  carved on on linoblocks - the rubbery squares)

We are going to do it again only this time we are focusing on cityscapes. I want us to take a tour around the world through magnificent city skylines and monuments - we will stamp our passports a different way!

Check out these examples that first inspired me:

And some other examples that I found impressive:

The assignment (and tentative plans):
  • February 22, 23
    • Choose a city/skyline that appeals to you. Make sure you save the picture and make note of which city you've chosen. 
      • No ideas? Why not start here and see what appeals to you?
        • Tokyo
        • New York
        • Mexico City
        • Paris
        • London
        • Mumbai
        • Quebec
        • Montreal
        • Vancouver
        • Toronto
        • Los Angeles
        • Sydney
        • Chicago
        • Seattle
    • Practice: In your sketchbook, try a few sketches of the skyline. Remember, when carving simple lines that create depth and texture are key to an effective finished product.
    • Select your best draft sketch.
  •  Next classes (March 14, 15)
    • Creating the "good copy" of your sketch to transfer
    • Starting carving the stamps
  • Next next class (March 31)
    • Stamping pt. 1

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